What is site structure? How it can help your SEO improve?

Unlike other SEO elements, the site architecture is often overlooked by bloggers. However, maintaining an efficient website architecture is one of the most important tasks.

Whereas most people focus more on publishing as many articles as possible. Sure, if you want to keep your site limited to a messy collection of articles and pages.

Because without decent management of your published articles & pages you don’t stand a chance to compete with the professionals.

If you have ever visited a professional business/personal blog, you may have noticed how easy it is to navigate through their posts and find the information you are looking for!

All thanks to their well-built site architecture that allows anyone to find anything quickly according to the requirements.

Put yourself in the same situation and give it a thought.

What is site structure? How it can help your SEO improve?

If someone visits your site for the first time looking for some information, would they be able to find it easily just like you did? If your answer is no, then you should definitely work on improving the site structure right now!

But if you have are starting from zero and don’t have enough knowledge about it, don’t worry. Make sure to read the whole article and you will learn how you can create a better site architecture much quickly.

What is site structure?

Think of this as a framework made for your website. Formatting almost everything in an organized manner for different aspects and users building an efficient site structure can help you a lot.

How your published blog posts and different pages should be related to each other, and how they are accessible to search engines and readers.

Such factors decide the quality and type of site architecture you have on your blog.

If search engine crawlers can easily find and index the content while linking it with related content your site structure should be ready to go!

But if you are not able to figure out what problems your set architecture might have. And what steps you should consider important to fix such issues we recommend you perform an SEO audit first.

A well-profiled site architecture has the following essential elements organized in a way to improve the performance and navigation speed throughout your site.

Let’s have a look at them.


Menus play an important role in providing easy navigation from one section of your site to another one.

Generally, menus are found on the home page/landing page of a site, so the visitors can decide and select the page they want to visit from the menu.

Instead of posting random blog post links everywhere on your homepage, including a simple menu can create a lot of difference.

Another great advantage of having a menu is related to SEO.

Because whenever the search engine crawlers visit your site, the menu will help them to decide what type of content your blog provides and the interlinking between different pages.

Landing page

The landing page/Home page is the front page of your site, consider it as the front cover of a magazine.

So it’s obvious that you will have to keep it full of interesting content and media resources to attract more potential customers to your site.

You can consider the landing page as the top of your site’s architecture, from where your articles, pages, and other entities will be accessed.

Being the navigation hub for users and search engines both. Displaying the most essential piece of content for your business/blog is very important.

Try to include the links and articles within the menu that are performing well. In this way, you can make it easier for crawlers and users to get the best content delivered directly!


Categories are optional, but using them has a lot of plus points for any site. As you already know when working within a specific niche you have to categorize your content often.

When someone visits your blog they can look for the information either category-wise or use the search feature.

Organizing your published articles category-wise builds a solid site architecture.

Being divided into different categories the search engines can decide what type of information you are providing and later rank your content accordingly.

So make sure to add a few categories within your site to ease the process of navigation and indexing.


If you are blogging for a long time then breadcrumbs are nothing new for you. Yet many people are not familiar with how breadcrumbs are used for better SEO.

Breadcrumbs are basically a type of path you would normally see on PC or select a destination for saving a particular file.

In the same way, breadcrumbs are used to display the current location of a user within a site and determine how far he/she is from the home page.

They are pretty useful for search engine crawlers as they help them to decide the connections between your articles and pages that are interlinked. Helping your site architecture to improve.

Why site structure is essential for SEO?

Well-formed website architecture is very important, as it helps your readers to navigate through the site easily and get their desired information.

It also helps the search engine crawlers to understand what your site is about, and how they should index your recently published blog posts.

To deploy a strong foundation for making your blog successful, having a decent site architecture is mandatory.

Let’s have a look at other benefits of powerful site architecture.

  • Helps eliminate keyword related issues
  • Better chances of getting ranked for certain terms
  • Much easier UX for users and search engines
  • Crawling and indexing becomes faster with a clean framework
  • Easier to update the inter-linked content
  • Navigating through the articles is easy

How to improve your site structure for the latest updates?

Maintaining a decent site structure for a growing blog can be quite difficult. As you have to keep up with the recent changes every time, updating your site structure accordingly is very important.

Thankfully we have created a collection of all the steps required to build a productive site architecture. Go through them and start the implementation process as soon as possible.

Prioritize blog elements

As a blogger, you have to deal with tons of various blog elements and their placements.

Whether they are plugins, widgets, Advertisements, or any other extras you have to analyze the interface and decided a proper position for all of them.

Because if you fail to keep your blog user-friendly and simple to navigate. it may negatively affect the site structure for sure!

So take your time and analyze every single blog element you are going to use and create an interface that is user and search engine friendly at the same time.

Improve your navigation traits

Easy navigation within a site proves how user-friendly the site architecture actually is. So it’s obvious that you should start paying attention to the navigational traits of the blog.

Take a look at the homepage of your blog, does it include a well-organized menu? If not then create a menu and add it right now! As menus are very important for decent site architecture.

And if you already have a menu included, make sure that you have not added too many links. Because menus with fewer links tend to perform much better compared to others.

Try to keep the UX simple and avoid using pop-ups to make it easier for your readers to find the information they need.

Perform Internal linking

Internal linking is one of the most important factors to achieve a robust site structure.

Without performing internal linking you can not expect the search engine crawlers to create a connection between your published blog posts.

Not only search engines, the readers who may get confused regarding a specific term while reading the article may also feel lost if you haven’t used enough internal linking.

Because many blog posts are dependent on each other. So if your user doesn’t know where to go next you may end up losing them as a possible customer.

Avoid competing with yourself

At some point bloggers usually publish content that is similar to other blog posts that have been published already.

What happens next is, they end up competing with their own content for similar keywords.

It creates confusion for the search engine crawlers to choose between two similar blog posts and which should be ranked at the top?

So we recommend you analyze your old blog posts. and make sure you are not creating redundant content on your site. as it can create a lot of problems for your site architecture.

Deal with outdated content

Publishing new content regularly is essential to growing a blog, yet there are many people who never pay attention to their outdated content.

The articles that you have published maybe 6 months ago, go through all of them.

And compare them with the latest information to see whether your content is still valuable to your site or not.

If you think the article needs to be updated with the latest information, spare some time and update all outdated blog posts.

To make sure that you don’t lose any of the SERP rankings you may have for different keywords.

Keep in mind

Having a decent site structure can be quite useful in a lot of ways. but it requires efforts to maintain and update it regularly if you have already published too much content on your site.

Helping search engines like Google to index and crawl through the content more effectively.

Robust site architecture is also responsible for providing a smooth navigational interface to your readers.

So make sure to follow the steps carefully and make necessary changes for better site architecture.

Boost Your Site With Our SEO Tips

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