How to do On-Page SEO for a WordPress Blog in 2024

The number of people leaning towards the blogging industry is growing really fast for the past 2-3 years. And you will be amazed to know that approx 4.4 billion blogs are posted each and every single day around the globe!

Interesting right? but if you are also one of those bloggers who have just started their journey in the world of blogging. Competing with these 4.4 billion blogs posting content every day will be hard for anyone.

As you will have to deal with so many competitors in the industry, ranking your new blog in the top positions will be really hard for anyone who is not much experienced with technical terms such as SEO methods and other stuff.

learn how to do wordpress seo

Unlike other people who have been blogging for a long time, if you have just started your new WordPress site then learning about how to grow your blog and drive quality traffic is one of the most important things for a successful blog in 2024.

On-Page SEO For WordPress Site

During the process of growing your WordPress site learning about terms like how to do SEO will be very beneficial for you. So today in this article we are going to discuss what is on-page SEO and how you can do on-page SEO for your own WordPress site.

Because the majority of the bloggers who are running a blog successfully are using these techniques. To make sure that the content they are publishing on a daily basis is reaching their audience properly.

And their blog is receiving a good amount of traffic each and every single day. You can imagine the amount of traffic you will be able to receive when one of your articles will get ranked in the top 3 positions on SERP ( search engine ranking pages ).

But before reaching the top you will have to start with low rankings at the first. So how you can do on-page SEO for your new WordPress site and increase the search engine indexing rate of your blog with higher rankings?

What Is On-page SEO?

You may have heard this word many times whenever looking for some information related to your blog. But what does actually on-page SEO means? on-page SEO is a common practice that is used by many bloggers for achieving better SEO of their articles.

As the name suggests on-page SEO is performed on your article which you will publish in the near future. Now you will be wondering how SEO is possible even when your article is not published yet!

well, the on-page SEO actually focuses on how you can make your article or post more focused on some specific information or niche that you are talking about.

Because after you have published your article. It will only get indexed when the crawlers come to your blog and crawl through your site.

Without being indexed in several search engines like google, yahoo, and bing. You can not expect to receive organic traffic on your newly created WordPress site. So doing proper on-page SEO is the fundamental process of a successful blog site.

Don’t worry if you are completely new to blogging and want to learn how to do perfect on-page SEO for your new WordPress site. As we have created a definitive guide for doing on-page SEO of any WordPress site or blog you own.

So let’s get started and discover how this on-page SEO techniques work. And help the search engine crawlers to easily index your site and improve the rankings for different keywords at the same time.

How To Do On-Page SEO For Your WordPress Site?

Keyword Distribution

For performing on-page SEO on your recently published articles, you will have to make some changes and update your articles. One of the most important factors in on-page SEO is to do proper keyword distribution among all parts of the article.

Suppose you are writing a review article about a new gadget in the market of 1000 words and your focus keyword is the gadget’s name and review (e.g iPhone 11max review ). Then you should use your focus keyword at least 5-7 times within the whole article.

Increased Readability and subheading usage

Another factor that plays an important role in your site’s overall SEO is readability and subheadings usage. If you have visited a popular blog or WordPress site before, then you may have noticed that the majority of the blogs use smaller paragraphs and sentences in their article.

Because whenever someone visits your blog looking for some useful information, they will get bored to read long paragraphs altogether. So it’s a wise choice to divide your content into small digestible chunks.

So anyone can easily read your article without getting bored even if it’s 5000 words long! Subheading usage is also very important for letting the web crawlers understand the main purpose of your article or post.

In a 1000 words article, you should use a minimum of 3-4 subheadings such as h2,h3, or even h4 if your article is very long. And don’t forget to use your focus keyword within the subheadings. As it will help your article become more focused on the specific term you have discussed in your article.

Using Yoast SEO Plugin For Easy On-Page SEO

Another way to achieve professional-level on-page SEO very easily is to use Yoast SEO plugin for your WordPress website. Simply visit the add plugin section of your WordPress dashboard and search Yoast SEO plugin in the search bar.

Now install and activate this plugin on your WordPress site. After you have successfully installed it on your site complete the setup process. Because you will have to enter some important information regarding your WordPress site.

Once the process is completed you are ready to use the Yoast SEO plugin to optimize all of your articles to the fullest. This method is more effective compared to the manual on-page SEO of your articles as you will get real-time analysis and results.

You will be able to set your focus keyword easily. And the plugin will show you the exact number of times you used the focus keyword in your article. It will also provide you the data for off-page SEO at the same time.

If any faults are found by the plugin. It will tell you by changing the color of the small emoji indicator in the results section. You can analyze the whole article easily for on-page and off-page SEO using this simple plugin for free.

Benefits Of On-Page SEO

If you have gone through all the above on-page SEO tips then you should explore the benefits of on-page SEO that your blog will receive when done in a proper manner. let’s have a look at all the benefits that on-page SEO will provide you to get better search engine rankings and visibility.

  • It’s easy to implement and does not require any expert to perform it on your articles.
  • You can use it on almost all of your articles for getting faster indexing and SERP rankings in various search engines.
  • Even distribution of the focus keyword helps the search engine crawlers. To identify the main purpose of the information. That your article is providing as a piece of content.
  • Better readability will attract more and more readers. As your content is well-formatted and properly organized in an easy to understand manner.


There are mainly two types of SEO techniques on-page and off-page. Both of them play an important role in the overall SEO of any WordPress site. But the on-page SEO is easy to learn and implement at the same time.

If you found any useful information in this article. Then please share it with your blogger friends who are looking for such useful information. And don’t forget to mention any doubts or queries you have in the comments section below.

Boost Your Site With Our SEO Tips

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