Important Things You Should Know Before Starting a New Blog

If you have a love for writing and you want to express your thoughts and ideas then starting a blog is a great feeling and experience in itself for those people who want to share their knowledge and writing skills through blogging. Thinking that your content and idea being shared is an achievement of its kind.

People like to express their knowledge by speaking but it doesn’t remain for a longer time in the memory of the audience as you don’t have anything written about that topic. So blogging is the best way to express your knowledge and skills in front of an audience which will like and share your content.

Blogging allows you to create new content and makes it shareable with other people also. Its an enriching experience to write down the articles or stories which will express your thoughts. The blogging technology enables you to share your skills, business ideas, content creation and you can freely publish them.

So here’s the checklist of the things that you should know before starting a blog.

Blogging is not a simple task as it seems to be. You need to take full advantage of this platform for own purpose and optimize it to use it. You should know the basic things to do and the tools which are needed to start a blog. Many bloggers get bog down in the starting phase because they don’t have any groundwork and don’t know what to do first, before starting a blog. But Don’t worry you are on write blog to get some amazing insights about – To do things before starting a blog.

1. Have a clear thought

Blogging is just not a one-day or one-week activity to do. It’s a long term process in which you have to keep consistency in your work. So you should know the reason very clearly, why you want to start a blog?. If the reason is clear It always pushes you to do new things and explore the area.

2. Niche is the key to the blogging world

You should have a clear thought of that, What will your blog be focused on? What will make you stand out from other bloggers who are already there in that area of blogging? You should know how you will attract traffic through your content. There are all the necessary questions required to be clear in your mind so that you can work properly for the blog.

3. Get the blog domain name simple and Appealing

Always try to get your blog name simple but more appealing to the audience. People get attracted to the blog by its name and then they search the relevant content on your blog which they want. The blog domain name creates the buzz through itself and attracts traffic. Will help you to spread your word quicker.

4. Try to get an idea about what your blog is about

Before launching a new blog get thought about who will ideally read your blog. If you cant address this question then you will not get to know about your audience. It doesn’t matter if you are blogging for your passion or love of writing or if you are blogging for money, you should always know your target audience to whom you will serve your content. Once you get an idea of your reader then you can create quality content for them. And at last, this will help you to drive traffic to your blog.

5. Learn about Search engine optimization

You should get an idea about Search Engine Optimization through which you can attract massive traffic to your blog. Search Engine Optimization is an umbrella term including keyword, link building, and whole other actions needed for building the best performance of your blog. SEO is a must-do thing for blog development.

6. Concentrate on quality content rather than quantity

This is the most important lesson in blogging that quality content matters over quantity. Posting daily articles on your blog may attract some traffic. But People will fall for your engaging and well-written content which is missing in other blogger’s blogs. You should hit in that area. If you will follow this mantra then your blog will expand gradually.

7. Select a Perfect blogging platform

The blogging platform is an important thing where you will create your blog. WordPress is the most loved platform by bloggers. It helps to create a user-friendly blog and there are many features as you can choose a theme for the blog. you can easily operate on it as a new learner.

8. Choose the best hosting for your blog

Choosing a host is a secondary thing to do in your blogging. But after an interval of time, you will need a host for hosting your blog site so I will recommend you BLUE-HOST. It will provide you with the best services at minimal cost, you will also get other important tools which will help you in your blogging. A good host means a good foundation for your blog.

9. Make use of social platforms

Try to get your social accounts to link to your blog. Post the links of your blog on your social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, etc. You can share your content here freely and gather the audience for your blog easily. You should use the best and reliable social media sources of traffic. Try to optimize them for your interest.


I will conclude this article on a note that blogging is a not difficult task to do. But there are some things that you should have a piece of knowledge or else learn them before starting a blog. You should optimize the use of the blog to its fullest potential. you should always keep an attitude of a learner and Experiment new ideas, analyze them and apply. By following a blog creation checklist, you will know what to do and most importantly what NOT to do. Through this, you can create better content and drive visitors and create a long-lasting relationship with your audience. I hope this checklist will be insightful for you to know about things before starting a blog.

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